地理频道《鸟瞰中国 China from Above》全2集 中英双字幕 720P
中国是一片巨大的土地,有着巨大的生物多样性,一个古老的文明,有着可以追溯到几千年的悠久的历史。http://www.dadijilu.com/data/attachment/forum/201512/07/181013g08l8l3n86m6znzn.jpg国家地理频道《鸟瞰中国 China from Above》
整体上受篇幅限制显得浅尝辄止,但好歹算是第一部真正意义上的鸟瞰。China is a land of immense scale and diversity, an ancient civilization with a fascinating history dating back thousands of years.
From the monumental engineering feats of the Great Wall, to innovative and unique farming techniques, and a massive water splashing festival, you’ll discover how China has transformed its cities and infrastructure so much in three decades while still retaining its strong traditions, and how these strong traditions have shaped China’s landscape to make it uniquely recognizable and truly magnificent, especially from the air!01《源远流长》The Living Past
How have the traditions of China shaped its landscape and people, and how do they hold up in the present day? To capture its scale and complexity we embark on an epic aerial journey across China’s varied landscapes and cultures to uncover how these practices and icons endure. From the monumental engineering feats of the Great Wall to a massive water splashing festival in the tropical south, we unveil the secrets and patterns of Chinas living past in a fresh new perspective.
02 《继往开来》Future is Now
Using the latest in aerial photographic technology, combined with personal character led stories; well showcase Chinas diverse landscapes, extreme weather, massive megacities and staggering infrastructure over two spectacular episodes. We take to the air to reveal how China lives, eats, works, travels and plays – on a mega scale. What does a billion-plus population do for fun?