国家地理频道《鸟瞰中国 China from Above》
整体上受篇幅限制显得浅尝辄止,但好歹算是第一部真正意义上的鸟瞰。 China is a land of immense scale and diversity, an ancient civilization with a fascinating history dating back thousands of years.
From the monumental engineering feats of the Great Wall, to innovative and unique farming techniques, and a massive water splashing festival, you’ll discover how China has transformed its cities and infrastructure so much in three decades while still retaining its strong traditions, and how these strong traditions have shaped China’s landscape to make it uniquely recognizable and truly magnificent, especially from the air! 01《源远流长》The Living Past
How have the traditions of China shaped its landscape and people, and how do they hold up in the present day? To capture its scale and complexity we embark on an epic aerial journey across China’s varied landscapes and cultures to uncover how these practices and icons endure. From the monumental engineering feats of the Great Wall to a massive water splashing festival in the tropical south, we unveil the secrets and patterns of Chinas living past in a fresh new perspective.
- 云南西双版纳傣族泼水节
- 河南嵩山少林寺
- 四川乐山大佛
- 湖南张家界
- 中国长城
- 山西恒山悬空寺
- 新疆吐鲁番坎儿井
- 云南元阳县红河哈尼族梯田
- 福建霞浦县海带养殖
- 新疆清河县哈萨克族训鹰捕猎
- 云南三江并流地区傈傈族过江缆索
- 新疆昭苏县哈萨克养马
- 黑龙江哈尔滨冰雕
02 《继往开来》Future is Now
Using the latest in aerial photographic technology, combined with personal character led stories; well showcase Chinas diverse landscapes, extreme weather, massive megacities and staggering infrastructure over two spectacular episodes. We take to the air to reveal how China lives, eats, works, travels and plays – on a mega scale. What does a billion-plus population do for fun?
- 上海城建、中国城市化进程、清明扫墓
- 高铁、春节回家
- 四川遂宁市大英县人造海滩、泳池、造浪
- 浙江金华东阳市横店镇影视基地
- 浙江丽水中国1000千伏交流特高压输电网
- 沪东中华造船厂17万立方米LNG船
- 新疆乌鲁木齐市达坂城风力发电场
- 海南渔场及福建宁德市三都澳网箱养殖
- 青海太阳能光伏发电
- 深圳电动公交车减轻汽车污染
- 河北兴隆中科院国家天文台郭守敬望远镜
- 贵州平塘县克度镇射电天文望远镜